
Hope For Life March 2012 Update

“This is one of the most fun things I have done in my life!” exclaimed several boys as they swam for their first time in a pool. Corban and Laura Cooper treated the boys and HFLM staff to a swimming day and lunch at a nearby hotel. The boys were thrilled to have the opportunity to go swimming and show off their dog paddling skills. Staff member Gustave grew up near a lake and could be seen with a huge smile doing back flips into the pool. The boys followed his lead and one by one without pause leaped into the pool, literally jumping on top of each other. The Coopers had to quickly grab the boys and explain the need for safety precautions. Thankfully all the boys made it home without injuries, bringing ecstatic smiles with them! It was touching to see the “tough” boys have the opportunity to let go and just be boys.

Another exciting innovation is that HFLM has begun an outreach program for the local street children. Every week we welcome them to the HFL home and provide for their various needs. Thirteen boys originally participated and the program has continued to grow. The street boys who attend have the chance to bathe, wash their clothes, eat lunch, socialize, and join in a devotion to hear the gospel. When these children were asked what it meant to be a Christian they responded with remarks such as: being a good person, going to church, and even one said speaking in tongues. Corban shared that even though good deeds are a fruit of being a Christian, we cannot earn our way to heaven through good works. It is through faith in Christ and faith alone that we are saved.

We are thankful for the development of the staff and the impact on the boys’ lives. We pray that God continues to draw them to know Him more. Please join us in prayer for staff unity; for the well being of all of our boys; and for the continued success of the outreach program. AndMurakoze cyane (thank you so much) for your support and prayers.