In June, we shared a story about two-year-old Sandrine, the sister of two boys currently living with us. Her mother brought her to HFLM asking us to help her severely malnourished daughter who also had malaria. Four days later, Sandrine fell into a coma and was diagnosed with cerebral malaria, a frequently fatal form of malaria. She remained in critical condition for five weeks, showing no signs of making a full recovery. We were doubtful she would survive. A few days later, however, Sandrine surprised us and woke from her coma. Unfortunately, though, she was blind and deaf, couldn’t feel physical touch, and was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. We were heartbroken and turned to our Father in heaven asking for the impossible – for full healing.
Sandrine’s story spread rapidly and people from our Rwandan community visited and prayed for her, along with churches in the USA. Several of you sensed that God would heal Sandrine and that she would grow up to serve Him. We are thrilled to inform you that the impossible is happening! Sandrine’s sensations have slowly returned, her hearing was restored, and she can now see!
With tears of joy in her eyes HFLM Administrative Director Marie Clarice said, “In the hospital, there were many children much stronger than Sandrine who died. She is our little miracle.” Sandrine is not only a testament of God’s love, but has been a blessing at our home, impacting our boy’s hearts. They regularly take turns holding her, playing with her, and feeding her. Her presence at HFLM has given our boys the opportunity to care for the needy, just as they have been cared for, and it has deeply impacted their hearts.
Sandrine will continue to stay with us for the next several months while she continues to recover. We are currently seeking a long-term solution for her as she cannot reside at HFLM permanently.
Sandrine’s a lucky girl to have 17 big brothers who love her!
We praise God for Sandrine’s life and believe He has much planned for her. From the malnutrition and cerebral palsy she is still very weak, underdeveloped, and is unable to talk or sit by herself. We hope you are encouraged at the progress that is being made. Your prayers and partnership are making all the difference in this young girl’s life!