
A New Chapter for Hope for Life

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As we turn eight years old this month, we intentionally pause to celebrate God’s faithfulness and our accomplishments together. We never imagined that advocating for our friend’s release from prison would spark and sustain such an incredible movement of sacrifice, transformation, and hope. Because you joined us in this mission, together we have enabled 75 children to escape homelessness or imprisonment, enrolled 133 children in school, and reunited countless families.

To celebrate, we are excited to announce that Hope for Life has applied to be our own 501c3 and can now receive gifts as our own organization! After eight years with Breakthrough Partners, who faithfully served as mentors and our fiscal sponsor, we are prepared to operate independently. This decision reduces funds spent on administration and maximizes each donation towards empowering families to rise out of poverty in Rwanda.

Please note that if you are a recurring donor, you should have received directions on how to transfer your subscription from Breakthrough Partners. If you did not receive that or have any questions, please email

If you give via check, please begin writing them out to Hope for Life. Our new mailing address is:

Hope for Life

PO Box 75864

Seattle, WA 98175

Breakthrough Partners has been gracious and will ensure that any donations that come to them over the next few months will be forwarded to us.

Thank you for your continued support of Hope for Life as we begin a new chapter in our history! It wouldn’t be possible with you.

With gratitude,


US Executive Director / Co-Founder

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