
January 2014 Update

Hope For Life Ministry January 2014 Update

Boys opening their Christmas presents Torey’s family brought from the US
Thank you HFLM supporters for your dedication to our boys and their future. You are an AMAZINGcommunity! Last month we shared several financial needs that were heavy on our hearts and you jumped into action and covered all of them. We are blown away! Your generosity enabled us to completely repair the damage from the fire, placing Baby back into his room before Christmas, and we were able to bless the boys with a special traditional Rwandan meal for Christmas. Further, you gave enough funding to send all of our boys to their first trimester of private school! Our whole house is buzzing with excitement!

A STARS classroom 

HFLM’s Executive Director, Torey, explains why we decided to send our boys to private school: “One of the most disheartening days for me was visiting the public school and witnessing the crowded, chaotic classrooms of our boys. Their teacher wasn’t even able to communicate in basic English with me, which is astonishing since English is the official language in Rwandan schools. I knew we needed to make a change to really bring transformation to their lives.” Given these dire circumstances, we want to thank you immensely for investing into their futures and enabling us to send them to a private school called STARS.

Students at STARS

One of the residential counselors, Gustave, shared, “Attending STARS is a great opportunity for the boys because everything is taught in English and the teaching is very, very advanced compared to other schools.” Five-year-old Benjamin has been jumping out of his skin in anticipation of attending STARS because he is so excited to learn English. Whenever he hears a word in English, he repeats it and then proceeds to run around HFLM sharing the new English word to everyone that is in sight.

Reasons we love STARS School:

·         All STARS teachers speak fluent English and students speak conversational English after one year!
·         Students receive a school lunch, verses waiting until 3pm to eat at home.
·         The boys will only walk 20 minutes to school rather than 45 minutes, and it is through a much safer area.
·         STARS offers organized school sports teams. We’re guessing our boys will be the most excited about this change!
·         The teacher-student ratio is 1:35 compared with a national average of 1:66 (Ministry of Education, Government of Rwanda [2009]).

After the big soccer game during the New Years party
As we reflect on the trials and blessings of 2013, we are reminded that God is good and faithful. Please celebrate the following blessings from 2013 with us, knowing that your support played a vital role in our success.

·         We’ve received our registration from the Rwandan Government and with it, the green light to continue our operation in the wake of other centers for street children being shut down.
·         We’ve been able to bring eight new street boys into our center this year, as well as sponsoring 10 additional children through outside school scholarships. 
·         Chickens and goats were donated, allowing us to strengthen sustainability and the overall nutrition at HFLM. 
·         Two teams of American groups brought soccer gear and gifts to our boys.

Thank you for your devotion and faithfulness to our mission of transforming the lives of Rwandan youth. We look forward to your continued partnership in 2014!


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