Five years ago, Hope For Life Ministry began when we rescued 11 of our young friends from prison with nothing but a vision and a few hundred dollars in our pocket. We didn’t feel qualified or capable, but we knew that God had called us to be a presence in these 11 boys’ lives. We never could have imagined the journey ahead of us, the drastic changes we’d all help make in the lives of so many children, or that five years later we’d still have the privilege of participating in such amazing work.
18-year-old Pacifique was one of the original eleven who we rescued from prison in 2009. His dedication to his new life has been evidenced by his strong desire to follow the Lord, his kind nature towards others, and his academic success. Before coming to HFLM, Pacifique didn’t speak any English, but now he is able to share his testimony in English. He says, “What can I say? I love Hope For Life. It is like a good family here. The other boys are like my brothers. It is different from the streets. On the streets my favorite food was drugs. I took the drugs to make me free from the sadness… On the streets, I was sad but now there is a difference. I think God has a plan for me. I’m hopeful for a good future. I want to be a good man and I want a job and a family.” Watch him tell his full story here.
Celebrating HFLM’s 5 year anniversary! |
To commemorate our five-year anniversary and celebrate the boy’s perseverance during their first term in their new school, children and staff spent the day swimming, feasting, and reflecting. Each boy was given the opportunity to speak about his journey through HFLM. Six-year-old Benjamin shared about how he knows for the first time in his young life that he is loved, and that he has value. We wish that each of you could have been present to hear the boys share about their growth and transformation. It was a powerful day that none of us will soon forget.
The countless transformations we’ve witnessed have only occurred because you were willing to generously give your time, heart, and resources. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
The past five years by the numbers:
44 boys have gone through our rehabilitation program.
1 brand new house built by the Hovde Foundation.
19 boys and 1 staff member chose to be baptized.
204financial supporters partnered with us.
18 Rwandans have been provided with jobs.
11 boys have been reintegrated back into their families.
9 US church congregations sponsored our work.
1meeting with the First Lady of Rwanda.
14 children have been sponsored from their homes, preventing a life on the streets.
Denver Fundraiser Update:
HFLM raised over $49,000 last month at the Colorado Benefit Dinner and 10 of you committed to sponsoring a child for a year! Thank you for your overwhelming generosity!