
August 2011 Update

Hope For Life was privileged to host the Hovde family as they recently visited Rwanda and spent a day at HFLM. All eight of them impressed us with their diligence and hard work. They planted 200 hedge plants, leveled the boy’s soccer field, and moved a ton of rocks (literally). Their hard work set an example for our boys, who could be seen laboring alongside of them the whole day. Tuyizere, who is 9 years old, proved to be the most dedicated worker. The Hovdes’ would fill a wheelbarrow to full capacity, which a grown teenager would have difficulty moving, but Tuyizere would instruct them to pile in more dirt. Remarkably, he was able to move these very heavy loads and empty them himself. Apparently, showing off gave him the adrenaline he needed to work hard all day.

The boys recently completed their exams and finished off their 2nd trimester of school. It was a time of celebration as four of our kids received the best scores in their classes and another scored 2nd place! All the boys did well, and we are very proud of all our students for how hard they have worked in school.

When HFLM’s newest member Claude, who is 5 years old, was recently asked his favorite hobby, he instantly replied that it is eating. He furthermore exclaimed that his future hope is to grow big and strong so that one day he can ride a bike and drive the other boys on it. On a side note, he mentioned with slightly less enthusiasm that he would also like to be a soldier.

Lastly, the boys’ clothing are getting quite worn and almost every day they can be heard asking when they can get new clothes. We want to bless them with new clothes, but we will need approximately $350.00 extra this month in order to be able to offer this gift. The third trimester of school is also starting at the end of August, and we will need an additional $300.00 for school fees. If you would like to contribute towards one of these causes please email Hilliary at We are excited as we continue to witness God moving in all these young boys’ lives. Thank you everyone for all of your support and prayers!


HFLM Staff

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