
June 2010

(Pacifique and Emmanuel eating lunch.)

Thanks to a grant from the Hovde Foundation to buy land and build a house, HFL now officially owns its own land! HFL staff took the boys on a 15 minute walk to the new piece of land to share the wonderful surprise with them. Upon reaching the plot, they told the boys that the land they were standing on is now theirs. The boys were overjoyed and began cheering and thanking God!

Since the children first came to HFL, they have been interceding with God that He would give HFL land. This answered prayer has been a great encouragement to the boys, and one of the older boys David proclaimed, “I have prayed so much for land, and I know that God has answered my smaller prayers for food and clothes, but I didn’t expect that He would answer such a big request. I am going to pray even more now!”
As everyone walked back to the home, a couple of the boys expressed their fear of needing to change schools due to the location of the new land. Upon hearing their concerns, Veterne spun around in his wheelchair and rebuked them saying, “Are you crazy!? Don’t you think that if God has provided us land and a house that he will provide a car too?” This gave all the staff quite a laugh.


  • Please be praying for Claude. He ran away, and has been unwilling to talk with HFL staff. This is the first time a boy has left in 8 months. We pray that he will come back to the home to stay.
  • Most of the boy’s sandals are broken and they are in need of new ones.
  • The boys also have been longing for soccer cleats, but we have been unable to afford them.

** If you’d like to give to either of these specific needs, please mail a check to the address on our website or donate through paypal, designating which project you’d like to support (

This month, Habimana would like to share his gratitude for your support:
“I am Emmanuel Habimana. I study in primary 3. First of all, I greet you. I am so happy to write to you and am so happy to inform you of that I play soccer, watch T.V., and I’m always at Hope For Life. I hope to see you one day at HFL. Thank you so much for how you help us. God Bless you!”

(Some of the boys in their school uniforms.)

One reply on “June 2010”

The Moody Bible Institute Alumni staff will be praying for these needs and praising God for the land! We look forward to seeing the ways that God responds to the intercession of your ministry!

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